Is Ant Queue blocked in my country or company ?

Ant Queue

Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

Our servers are located majorly in US with a CDN setup. If you are unable to access Ant Queue then it could be due to the following reasons

Ant Queue is down!

Check our independently hosted status page available at or our profile to make sure Ant Queue server is down or not. Note we guarantee 99% uptime to all our users. Sometimes in case of scheduled maintenance there might be a small downtime for server upgrades. In either case it will be announced in our twitter page. 

Network is blocking domain

Corporate networks in certain companies will block sites by default due to high security whitelist policies. In such cases, contact the Network administrator of your company to make sure your corporate network is not blocking and its subdomains (*

You can validate if above reason is true or not, by testing access to via mobile networks (4G) or home wifi.

ISP or Country is blocking Ant Queue

Certain countries might block sites arbitrarily. If antqueue is blocked in your country then the only way or the best way to access it is via VPN (Search google). ISP will usually display a message in the browser, if it is blocking a site intentionally. In such cases, kindly send with your country name and ISP details to [email protected]. So we can contact the relevant authority to unblock domain as early as possible.